Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tax Cut wins!

I decided to purchase Tax Cut again this year. I did try out Turbo Tax by downloading the software they sent me in the mail…unfortunately it caused an error in trying to tell me that I did not itemize last year which is not correct. Somehow it found my saved tax return on my computer. That error which would have made my 2007 income wrong by mischaracterizing my state income tax refund along with the difference in price was enough to send me back into the arms of Tax Cut. I purchased it at Best Buy for $69.99 which included the federal and state versions plus e-filing for both. The Tax Cut version that did not include e-file was $39.99. Turbo Tax does not have a version that includes e-filing (they charge an additional $17.95 per tax form) and the cost was $44.99. Once the e-file is included then Turbo Tax would have cost me $80. I have a $10 mail-in rebate for both Tax Cut and Turbo Tax. I know that price is not everything but my taxes are not complicated and the Turbo Tax version created an error so I am happy with my choice. Next year is another story.

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