Sunday, September 30, 2007

September net worth update

As you can see, my net worth increased $5,826 during the month of September. The increases in my retirement accounts are the main reason. I contributed a little over $2,000 to my 401k and $200 to my Roth IRA during the month. The stock market also had a better month than the previous month. My ING Savings decreased due to my having to “borrow” from it to pay bills :( I am hoping to get out of the cycle of having to borrow from savings soon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Daily stock market swings

I am guilty of paying too much attention to the daily stock market swings. Every night I try to update my Quicken accounts. I do notice that I am a lot less enthusiastic about the daily updates on down market days. Experts say that you should not watch your accounts so closely and only update every month or so. I can’t seem to help myself though. I get a rush when I see that my investments have increased in value. Of course on down days I feel like I have been kicked in the gut.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Saving early and often really makes a difference!

I just did a back of the envelope calculation that showed that if I had saved the maximum I could have in my 401k for the past 15 years (even when I was only earning $30,000 per year) I would now have about $201,425 saved for retirement as opposed to the $89,420 that I currently have. The $201k amount does not even include possible employer matches! That is a very depressing eye opener for me. The only thing I can do now is to maximize from here on out and increase my savings any way that I can. I currently save 11% in my 401k and $100 per month in my Roth. I have a $510 car payment for the next 24 months that is my main obstacle to saving more. I remember several years ago there was an ad on TV that had a tag line of “How are you spending your retirement” and showed people spending on new cars and other material things that would inhibit them from saving in their 401k accounts. I am literally counting the months until I free myself from the car payment.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cold Stone Creamery Coupon

Today’s newspaper had a coupon for buy one Sundae get one for 99 cents. Being the cost conscious consumer that I try to be I marched into the shop and ordered what I thought was two Signature sundaes. Apparently what I ordered did not constitute a Sundae so I could not use the coupon. I could not even find the word Sundae on their menu board when I looked for it. UGH!!! That is the danger of shopping with a coupon…you may end up buying something you normally would not have. If it were not for the coupon I would not have made the trip for the ice cream to begin with. Lesson learned!

Sticking to the list

I went grocery shopping yesterday and stuck to my list. In fact after using $2.75 in coupons I only spent $44.83 which is way below my $60 budget. I would definitely suggest that people use a list when shopping. Totally out of the blue, I also recieved a dividend check from State Farm for $58.90 in the mail yesterday. I will put it in my savings to help replace some of the funds I took out for my recent trip to France. I put my info in the Pudding Index and was unhappy to see that I am in the high 30’s. I have a lot of savings to catch up on. Since my raise earlier this month I am saving 11% of my salary in my 401k which is about $444 each paycheck. During 2007 I have saved $100 each month in my Roth IRA although this month I invested $200. My emergency fund grows by $175 each paycheck although I have been having to borrow from it lately and will have to borrow again this month to pay my Amex bill.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bundling with BellSouth

I am currently a Bellsouth telephone customer but I have my cable and internet through Comcast. The total cost is $142.71 per month for telephone, cable, and internet. I am also considering keeping my Comcast cable but dropping the internet for Bellsouth DSL. I need to do the math and see what makes the most sense. I think I could get a BellSouth bundle for about $120 plus I could get $225 cash back. Even if I only save $15 per month it would add up to $180 over twelve months puls there is the $225 cash back to consider. My only hesitation is that having everything installed would be a pain.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Interest Rate Drop

In anticipation of yesterday’s interest rate drop I transferred $1,500 into a new a 6 month ING CD at 5.15%. I noticed today the 6 month CD rate is now 4.90% at ING. In retrospect I should have locked it in for 12 months instead of just 6. Regardless, it was a good move on my part. I just wish I had more money to lock in. I transferred a little less than half of my cash savings to the CD. The ING savings rate for regular savings accounts dropped from 4.5% to 4.3% overnight.

An unexpected expense

This morning I took my car in for its 37,500 maintenance at the dealership thinking that it was a covered expense under the original warranty and got a little bit of a shock to find out that it isn’t covered. The four previous scheduled maintenance checks were covered under the warranty. My car has a warranty of 4 years or 50,000 miles but I guess at this point it is only good for things that actually break. I was able to convince them to let me use a 10% off coupon that is worth $32 so that will bring the price to about $288. I plan to keep this car for many years so I just need to get used to paying for proper upkeep. Soon I need to buy new tires for the car. If it is not one thing it is another.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

$100,000 in net worth...almost there

I am getting very close to $100k in net worth. Hopefully the stock market won’t have a major meltdown in the next few months. My goal is to surpass $100k by the end of the year but if all goes well I may be there sooner. $100k represents a significant milestone for me.

Cell phone charges

I have noticed that I am not using my cell phone hearly as much as I used to. I did have a Verizon plan with 2,000 minutes per month and unlimited nights and weekends. The past two months I have used about 450 minutes per month. Based on the reduced usage I decided to change to a 900 minute per month plan that costs $59.99 before taxes. I will also get a 20% discount through my employer. My old plan was $99.99 and I received a 19% discount. In the end I was paying about $88 per month but I was able to expense about $60 of it every month so my part of the bill was about $28. I have changed roles in my firm so I can no longer expense $60 per month of cell phone charges that I have been expensing up until three months ago. I will be able to still expense about $20 per month every once in a while but not every month. Now my bill will be $47.99 before taxes of approximately $5 per month. The new plan will help me save about $33 every month in unused charges. That really adds up (almost $400 a year in savings). I am proud of my new frugal mind set.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Spare change

This past weekend I took my spare change to a Coinstar machine at my grocery store and walked out with $37.21 after the 8.9% fee that is taken off of the top. I promptly put the money into my savings. I plan to continue saving all of my spare change to see how much one year’s worth adds up to. On anothernote I was disciplined with my grocery shopping and spent only $59.07. That included a couple of couplons and taking advantage of store sales. My typical undisciplined grocery trip would be around $80. I am proud of myself for using a little discipline in my spending.

Friday, September 14, 2007

I blew my budget...

for the month by buying an expensive ($378) birthday gift for someone special. It was one of the brand new iPods. My own iPod is on its last legs and I don’t plan to replace it anytime soon.
The truth about this budget buster is that I didn’t even budget for a gift and that is where I wnet wrong. I need to plan these things far in advance as it is not like I didn’t know the date of the birthday. I think I need to budget extra allowance every month and roll over what doesn’t get spent into the next month.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Back home again

Vacations are great but it is always nice to come back home. I could not believe how expensive everything was . Even if the exchange rates was $1 to 1 Euro it would have been expensive. Ouch! I did have a great time though.

Friday, September 7, 2007


I leave tonight for a five day vacation to France where I am sure I will be shocked by the exchange rates. A co-worker told me to use my ATM card overseas as that is where I will get the best rates. I have also alerted Amex, Citibank and my bank to let them know I will be traveling overseas so that my accounts won’t be locked if I try to use them.
I am bringing lots of little snacks to save money and just in case I don’t like the food.
Today is another down day on the stock market but I don’t mind because I have 401k deposit of more than $1,600 going into my account today. I would rather buy the funds cheap and watch them go up later. I am hoping to invest $10,000 in my account this year and will max it out next year. I was hoping to max it this year but my budget just won’t allow it

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

August Net Worth Update

My August net worth showed a little improvement despite the stock market volitility. I was able to replace $1,100 of the ING savings that I needed to borrow to pay bills in July and early August. I will replace the remaining $500 this week after payday. I had originally repaid the entire $1,600 but then I had to borrow $500. My discovercard balance decreased by a $20 cash rebate that I applied to my balance along with a $150 payment. Nothing else of note happened last month.