Saturday, June 30, 2007

I got paid yesterday

June 30, 2007
I am able to contribute 8% to my 401k and I also save $175 in my emergency fund every two weeks. This year I have also been putting money away in my Roth IRA. Only about $100 per month but it is better than nothing. The maximum Roth contribution for 2007 is $4,000 (of course there are income limits that I won’t get into here.) My goal is to have $10,000 in my emergency fund. Right now I only have about $2,400 in it. Most of my money is tied up in retirement funds.
I am trying to be frugal…in the last twelve months my home computer (I now use my work laptop for most everything), my digital camera, my printer, and my iPod have broken. I do not want to replace anything until my emergency fund is built up. I may break down and get a new home computer though.
Posted by atlantagirl Filed in Uncategorized

Friday, June 29, 2007

okay I have compromised

June 29, 2007
I should have a higher net worth than I do but I have made many financial mistakes in my life that I really regret. That is water under the bridge now and there is nothing I can do about it.
My housing situation is that I live alone in a townhouse purchased last year for about $250k. In retrospect I should have waited to buy and I could have gotten a better deal somewhere else. I am trying to not beat myself up over it anymore though. My mortgage including taxes and homeowner association dues is just over $1,900 a month. A lot of money and I could be renting for a lot less than that. In the housing market we are in I cannot turn around and sell it very easily. I am sure there are other people in the same both as I am.
Don’t get me wrong…I do like where I live. I just wish it didn’t consume so much of my take home pay.

My first post

June 29, 2007
hey there…recently I have become obsessed with reading the details of other people’s financial lives. I think it gives me hope that my life is not too bad. I plan to give regular updates of my progress in getting out of approximately $6,500 of credit card debt and increasing my net worth with is currently about $90,000. That is the plan. I welcome tips and suggestions that anyone may have.
At the moment I am trying to figure out how to show a graphic of my debt and net worth balances. Ahhh…I could really use some html knowledge right about now.