Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Turbo Tax vs. Tax Cut

I am starting to think about purchasing tax software again. Last year I used Tax Cut because it was a little less expensive when I included the state return and electronic filing. I have read a few reviews comparing Turbo Tax and Tax Cut and Turbo Tax seems to be the better program. I had used Turbo Tax for years and when I switched to Tax Cut last year I did not notice any major differences. Both programs let me import directly from Quicken so the biggest difference for me was the price. That will probably be the same for me ths year. I am hoping to get at least a $5,000 refund from my federal taxes and $1,000 from my state taxes. That will allow me to pay off my credit card and have some left over for saving. I usually file as soon as I can, typically the first week or so of February. I have found that I can get my refund within 10 days or so by filing early.

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