Monday, July 2, 2007


July 2, 2007

I am behind in the net worth department and realize I have a lot of catching up to do. My primary problem is my spending. My credit card debt is not out of control as it is only $6,687 at 0% for the life of the balance, but I do carry a Delta Skymiles Amex that I put most things on. I have always been able to pay the balance off every month but it is at the expense of my net worth. I do need to become more frugal.
There is some spending that must be done such as groceries but even my grocery habit needs to be curtailed. I am going to start making a list and sticking to it and also only spend $60 per week. I have been successful in doing that before and I should be able to so it again. Seriously, sometime when I have gone to the grocery store I have spent over $100 and have no idea what I spent it on.
There is a book called Why We Buy written by Paco Underhill that is great in describing the ways that retailers lure us in so that we can spend frivolously. It is a great read and I definitely recommend it.

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