Saturday, March 22, 2008

Verizon Unlimited Cellphone Plan

For several years I have used Verizon Wireless as my cell phone provider and I have always been happy with the service. Until last September I had a 2,000 minute per month plan that cost me about $87 per month including taxes with my 20% employee discount. I changed my plan to a 900 minute per month plan last year when I realized that I was only using about 700 minutes per month so now I pay about $55 per month including taxes.

Verizon wireless and several other cell providers have started an unlimited usage plan for $99 per month. I am not eligible for my 20% discount and I do not know how much the taxes would add to the monthly base charges.

I have recently began dating someone who is on a different plan so I may need to upgrade my cell plan to get more minutes. This is something that I am thinking about.

Does anyone know the "after-tax" cost of the $99 unlimited plan?

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