Monday, June 23, 2008

A weekend of spending out of control

This weekend I felt like I had no control over my spending. It was my onw fault really and I need to learn from it.

The problem started on Friday morning when I decided that I "needed" to buy 2 new pairs of jeans because they were half-price at $29.50.

Later that day I bought a $149 subscription for the local Broadway series. Admittedly, the $149 covers 6 shows over the next year and will get me in to shows for less than $25 a ticket. Maybe that was not such a bad purchase.

Friday night my girlfriend treated me to a concert at which I purchased a bottle of wine and two bottles of water. In retrospect, I could have done without the wine.

On Saturday, we used gift cards to to get into see the movie Ironman and then I felt I "needed" a soda and popcorn for another $10. I could have done without them. We then went to the mall where I spent $30 on a case for my iPod. I didn't really need it but I may protect it from damage. After the mall we went over to a friends house and I brought side items for $5. The $5 in side items were not an issue because I did not have to purchase my dinner.

On Sunday I had lunch at a local eatery for $9. I guess that is not a problem either as I had just been on a long bike ride and was 20 miles from home.

As I write this post I see that I should have saved the $22 from the concert and the $10 from the movies, and the $30 iPod case. The jeans will last me for several years and I really did get a good deal on them. $62 of questionable spending. I need to get these kinds of spending leaks under better control. Feeling bad about the spending is a good sign to me though because there was a time in my life when I would not have thought twice about it.

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